Our Honorable Chairman
Dr. M. Manickam

    “From a Small Seed, a mighty trunk may grow”- The Logistics behemoth “ABT”, a mighty trunk rooted from the thought seeds of our great Visionary, our Founder Late.P .Nachimuthu Gounder, who started business in 1921 by hiring Bullock carts at pollachi, a bantam town far from Coimbatore city, Tamilnadu.

    Later in 1931 as perennials grow,our business enlarged with 21 buses and leaped into a well known Passenger transport company “The Anamallais Bus Transport” that owned 150 buses in 110 routes operating in and around coimbatore region that equalates the service of Public transporters.

    The diversity of many divisions is an energized innovation that forwarded us to create a milestone and thus ABT owns its pride for being as a leader in transport industry. When our Legendary Chairman, Late Dr N. Mahalingam son of Late P.Nachimuthu Gounder felt for diversification, under his guidance Sri AV Giri, Brother-in-law of our chairman invoked ABT Parcel Service in 1964.

    Then son of Our Legendary Chairman, Our honorable Chairman Dr. M. Manickam took over the business, which now has evolved as a prominent player in the Logistics industry. Currently Great Grand son of our Founder, Grand son of our chairman, our Young & Dynamic Executive Director, Mr. M. Harihara Sudhan, looking after the business who inculcates new Business Strategies & implementing advanced Technology that reengineers the traditional ABT to meet out the current trends.

        Our pride is being preffered by our valuable and Brand loyal customers and hence the success behind ABT entitles.

ABT Limited Annual Report 2016-17 *
ABT Limited Annual Report 2017-18 *
ABT Limited Annual Report 2018-19 *
Consolidated Annual Report 2017-18 *
ABT Limited Annual Report 2019-20 *
Annual Return 2020-21 *
Annual Return 2021-22 *
Annual Return 2022-23 *
CSR Policy *
ABT Limited whistle blower policy *